Oh awright then. I'll try.
It's a tremendously good bag. Seriously, I can't fault it. Everything goes in with room to spare. The big, stretchy outer pockets take bottles, and tents, with ease. The roll-top closure is a piece of piss to use and that wee lid pocket is a work of quiet genius.

I hardly noticed it on my back. I put it on at the car and took it off several miles later with no adjustment in between. The harness and hipbelt are probably about the best out of any pack I've used and that includes the OMM packs I'm always banging on about. (Note probably. I need a few more trips yet)
Speaking of which, the OMM Chest Pouch fits nae bother and that makes me very happy indeed. That, and the wee pockets on the LIM's hipbelt, means that pretty much everything's to hand.
It does look like a sack o' tatties but I can forgive it that. Oh, and according tae The Boy, it goes with my boots, the Nike Tallacs. Matching bag and shoes? Disnae get better than that :o)
Is indeed a fine pack. I moved on from it. Why? Is a mystery to me and you. I just did. I gave it top marks in a review. Still would by the way. Where next for you Kev?
Where next? More miles on the Haglofs. Stuffed with more kit that needs to see the light of day. I had it sitting next to The Villain 5 minutes ago. I think The Villain still edges it. Ach, ask me again in a years time :o)
I tried the LIM 55 but couldn't get the fit right, in addition I already had the Gregory Z55 which I like as far as comfort is concerned. I returned the LIM 55 and got the LIM 45 instead and I think it's great. The roll top is one of those things that you either like or dislike I imagine. It holds an amazing amount for a 45L, the side pocket design is great, I like the external bladder pocket, I said on PTC's blog the only complaint is that I can't find anything to complain about :-)
When Martin asked "Where next?", I immediately thought "LIM45". I seem to have developed a habit of, if I like something, buying another one in a different size/colour. Maybe it's cos most of the really good stuff gets discontinued?
I know what you mean about the fit btw. Took me a wee while to work it all out but worth it in the end.
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