It had been sent by Ed, one of the "Windy Boys" over on Outdoorsmagic. I'd dropped in there to enquire about something and it turned out that he had one spare. So, after a couple of emails and a monetary exchange, a new Bushbuddy Ultra was mine.

I'd been thinking about getting one for a while now but was spurred into action by The Boy's love (and mine) of an open flame. Even though campfires aren't prohibited up here, it's still a bit off-putting when you're confronted by "Thou shalt not set fire to stuff!" notices at the start of your walk. This seems like a guilt free compromise*.
All we need now is a dry day before the schools go back so we can get out somewhere.
*The folding fire-box/Trench Mortar was deemed "A bit shite" and consigned to the Oddities box.
I like it. Baz has one and I read his blog and see the whole fun thing with it and think - I want one? But do I need one ? Use and abuse it Kev and help me make my mind up.
I think the key word here is "fun", Martin. Then there's the psychological benefit of a living flame when the sun goes down. And you can cook stuff on it :o)
I'd forgotten about the Einzel Kocher stoves over at Mac E's btw. Smashin' looking wee things and way cheaper than a BB if you fancy giving wood burners a go.
Thanks for that Kev.
I'd be interested to hear how you get on, I think mine being small are a bit tricky to operate although being used to them I can manage ok. The 900 model was closer to the Bush Buddy/Cooker size but I stopped making it. The Bush Buddy Ultra is the smaller of the 2 Bush Buddy models isn't it?
I'm no' sure if it's smaller but IIRC, it's lighter than the original. Thinner materials I think? Designed to fit in a Snowpeak Trek 900 pot, which I have but came within a baw hair of selling last week. Close one.
Folk seem to like them but I'll set fire to it shortly and report back :o)
I love my BB Ultra, a good decision it was to get one back in April/ May!
Richard, the BB Ultra is, as Kev says, just the lighter version of the regular BB, made of thinner materials and saving an ounce or two in comparison to the regular BB. Both BushBuddies are the same size.
Have fun with it, Kev, and let us know how you like it!
And here a little instruction for a back-up stove for those rainy days: !
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