I'm undoubtedly tempting fate by making any plans at all, let alone sticking them up here for the world to see but sometimes you just have to.
As plans go, it's a simple one: head up to Glen Derry on 28/11/08, pitch a tent and kick back for the next wee while. I might go for a hill on the Saturday but I'll see how it goes.
Base camp will be near the bridge over the Derry Burn at approx NO 041936. I'll be there from about 4pm, barring fate, misfortune and the unpredictablity of the Scottish weather. ie if it's really sh*te, I'm no' goin'. Quitting is, very definitely, an option.
Folk should feel free to come along and say hello or keep walking with their head down if they don't like the look of me. The tent will be marked with a couple of glow sticks after dark. If it's a nice night, I should be easy to spot, I'll be the one wandering about, mug in hand, looking rather pleased with myself.
See yiz up there. Or not :o)
Is that a OMM pack I spy on you?. You are tall if I recall. How is this possible?
Hey Martin. Aye, it's a Mountain Mover and it's possible on account of having long legs and a not quite so long back. Lucky me :o)
Lucky indeed. I always fancied the 45L one they do. One day they will do one for long back chaps like me.
The Villain? Got that one as well :o)
ROTFLMAO at the title!
You'll get accused of being a vindictive bar steward by some GR20-pumped troll.
I recognise that crossing. I saw a bird of prey on a tree there, and a red squirrel in the woods you've come from, and deer at night in the woods you are heading towards. not bad considering it is merely a few minutes from a car park.
It'll be a neo-colonialist rampage :o)
Oot the car and into the trees. Cannae beat it.
Aye, I do like the rapid drop-off after a quick turn-around after bailing out of work. I savour that late-night walk-in, even if I quit half-way, there's still good places to camp.
Outside possibility I might be up there on the Saturday - I'm half thinking of taking the "newly trained" dug up that neck of the woods to see if she's really been cured of her deer-chasing tendencies. No better testing ground!
I'll shout nearer the time if it's happening.
Seeing the forecast for this weekend? Sheesh. Blizzard and "cms of snow" due.
My fault, as my Furtech trousers arrived today.
I'm tempting fate by maybe having a wander up to Loch Etchasketchachan on the Saturday.
Scott, I reckon I'll be there 'til at least mid-day so aye, it'd be grand if you made it up there.
*makes mental note to pack dug biscuits*
Furtech troosers are made for such weather, Duncan. I'd also considered Loch Echtysakskatchewan for a dander on the Saturday. Kind of an oot'n'back thing.
Being a lazy sod, if the weather was good enough, I've half o a mind to stay up at Loch Etchabananarama for a wild camp and tab it out on Sunday.
As you said earlier - weather.
If folks do not mind the crazy woman currently in exile dropping in. My bus tickets are booked and at the moment my plans are travel Tuesday night, change Aberdeen, bus to Braemar Wednesday. Possibly camp Glen Derry Wednesday night. Thursday maybe Macdui and camp fairly high. Friday back down to Glen Derry.By the by Kev, light sticks are a better option than a flashing red led light. which is what I used last time I met up with Duncan. Dawn
Nae bother, Dawn. I'll look out for you.
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