Up the other end of town there's a coffee shop, Cafe Chocolate, if I remember correctly. Their cake selection is enormous and, I suspect, made on the premises. I can recommend the Caramel Shortcake and the Carrot Cake. Their coffee's no' bad either. I was positively vibrating from the sugar and caffiene by the time we left.
The rest of the day was spent loafing about our room, snacking and watching telly. Zulu Dawn, which I'd never seen, was surprisingly good.
After an expensive, but superb meal in the hotel, we crashed.
On Sunday, we packed up early and left but nipped up to Loch Faskally to get some photies. Ben Vrackie had had a wee dusting of snow overnight and looked great. We decided tho' that discretion was the better part of valour and voted to leave it for another day.
Ben Vrackie, looking grand.

Keep the car running.
Honey Stingers you say, good lad.
You could have distracted the ducks with those, however you may have returned from your walk to fully energised hyperducks which would have been a disaster indeed.
I should forward the photies to Mad Jim. Hyper-ducks wi' lasers, anyone?
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